Eric Trump is Now a Deputy Sheriff
He was just appointed by the St. Lucie County Sheriff running for election
Donald Trump says he always wanted to "win" the Purple Heart. Alas, his pesky bone spurs prevented him from being able to serve in the military. None of Trump's children ever served nor did his father or grandfather - either in the military or in law enforcement. Eric Trump said that he always wanted to be a Sheriff since childhood. Today, thanks to a Desantis appointed Sheriff up for election next month, his dream finally came true without having to do any of the work.
Eric Trump was just appointed as a Special Deputy Sheriff by St. Lucie (FL) County Sheriff Keith Pearson. Pearson was appointed Sheriff from Lieutenant over several other more senior members of the agency by Ron Desantis last December after the sudden and unexpected retirement of former Sheriff Ken Mascara. His appointment came as a surprise, but he attended several campaign events for Desantis when the others stayed out of politics, so he knew how to push the right buttons in Florida to leap over people more qualified.
Pearson has been embroiled in several controversies and investigations during his brief time as Sheriff. He was named in a criminal probe by the FDLE into allegations that Mascara propped up a ghost candidate to run against him in the 2020 election, with the help of other members of the sheriff's office. He was criminally investigated for posting a copy of his primary ballot in March on social media, while is illegal. The local prosecutor declined to file charges. He has also been accused of using taxpayer funds and staff in his reelection campaign.
Maybe the Republican first-time candidate for Sheriff wanted a little help from some influential friends in nearly Palm Beach, because today he make Eric Trump's childhood dream come true by appointing him a Special Deputy for his county. Florida law does allow for the appointment of Special Deputies who fail to undergo rigorous police academy training and testing. It does, however, state that appointees must meet the minimum standards to be hired as a recruit-trainee. Perhaps most disturbing, Special Deputies are actually granted the power to arrest people under the same statute.
A proud and beaming Trump posted several photos to his Instagram page celebrating his new appointment. He uploaded Bachman Turner Overdrive's song 'Takin Care of Business' to be played when people open his post. He also wrote a short statement saying:
"I have always wanted to become a Sheriff! Thank you Sheriff Keith Pearson and the incredible men and women of the St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office. Truly and honor!"
Just like a Trump family member to receive an honor and an appointment without doing the work to earn it. I'm sure that Sheriff Pearson can look forward to some help down the stretch from the Trump family for his campaign, which was the whole point of this charade.
I feel like vomiting right now!🤮🤮🤮
So he can arrest people who don't support his filthy father, for being too melanated, or if a woman doesn't want to provide sex on demand? Spare me with this family! America, for the love of GAWD, can we PLEASE send them packing?!?!? But first we must 🗳💙 to save 🇺🇸. Otherwise, we will no longer be the USA - we will become Trumplandia, ruled by a dictator and oligarchs. A place I DO NOT wanna live!