Written by Ben Meiselas
Let us into the White House, Donald. We want to confront you with the questions that need to be asked to your face. We are not scared of you. You are scared of us. Oh, you claim you aren’t? Prove it.
The MeidasTouch Network applied for press credentials to be at press briefings next week. Your press secretary said you were opening up the press room to new media like podcast and YouTube hosts. Well, okay, I know you want your bootlicking right-wing sycophants there. That’s not us.
The question is, can you handle real questions, Donald? Or will you fold like your cheap suits? Will you fold like you did on the witness stand at your trials or during your awful depositions? Will you fold when you get real questions from the leader of independent media, the MeidasTouch Network, powered by the Meidas Mighty?
Look, the MeidasTouch Network meets all the purported criteria to be in the press room. Our shows get far more views than all of the right-wing podcasters you are letting in combined. Heck, our 23 million views in 48 hours have a larger aggregate view time than the Joe Rogan show, and we get more views than the three top Fox primetime shows combined.
We are submitting our application, Donald. Prove to the world you are not the coward most people think you are. Let us into the White House, Donald, and let us ask you real questions.
Questions about your crimes.
Questions about your sexual assault.
Questions about Epstein.
Questions about your meme coin schemes.
Questions about your fraud.
Questions about your taxes.
Questions about your bankruptcies.
Questions about why prices aren’t lower.
Questions about why you seem compromised by Putin.
Questions about your mental condition and your health.
Questions about how, in two weeks, you made America less safe.
Real questions, Donald.
Let Meidas confront you to your face.
Or are you scared?
How about this, Donald: if we are too mean to you at a press briefing and we make you cry, you can try to sue us for emotional distress. Will that make you feel better?
How about if we ask a tough question and it makes you mad, you can have one of your agencies send us a threatening letter. Will that make you feel better? Think about the possibilities here, Donald. Remember how you threatened us in your criminal court filings, Donald? You can do it again! Just let us into the White House.
What’s the harm in just asking some questions people want answers to? Unless you’re scared—I totally get it.
Look, Donald, I know your team reads these Substack messages. At this pace, your presidency is already a bigger failure than Herbert Hoover’s, and it’s only been two weeks. Will they call you Pervert Hoover? I understand you’re rapidly descending into total madness, so I am hoping your team gets back to us soon and we can be there to ask the questions Americans really want to ask you ASAP. I want to be there for your downfall.
What do you say? Do we have a deal, Donald? Donald, you slob, focus! Do you need me to write in all caps? WILL THIS HELP YOU READ BETTER, DONALD?!
Like you always do with us, Donald, I am sure you will run away, hide, and avoid us. But let me remind you: I was just in the Roosevelt Room and in the Oval Office with President Biden in December. He wasn’t scared. He let me interview him for 30 minutes with no breaks. He had stamina, Donald. But then again, he is a real man, Donald. I just don’t think you are. I don’t think you’ve got the guts. You don’t have what it takes. We will see.
Well, what do you think, Meidas Mighty?
Do you think he will approve our application to be in the press room, or will he be too scared?
Tell me in the comments on this Substack what you think. Tell me in the comments what you would want me to ask him if I got the chance.
Also, to those who are not yet subscribers to this Substack, this is a big weekend for us.
We are headed to 6 billion views on YouTube, and our growth right now is on a historic trajectory.
We are now the top destination for top politicians to sit for an interview.
We get more views than the top Fox shows combined. Too bad, Rupert!
We are breaking major stories each day. We have filled the void left by the pathetic corporate media. This is big.
The MeidasTouch Network is more than a network. It’s a grassroots movement with zero outside investors, powered only by you, the Meidas Mighty.
I say this is a big weekend since we have set a subscriber goal of 500 new subscribers on Saturday and Sunday.
I think we can hit it, but we need you to subscribe now to this Substack if you can.
Thanks for subscribing.
Let’s grow this movement and make history together.
I love the way you phrased your challenge to him. He won’t let you anywhere near the White House, and it will prove your point. Then we will continue to spread your message and build the network to the point where he won’t HAVE to let you in!! Keep up the amazing work!!
He’ll never let you in .. he can barely answer questions from his own cult members