… Kamala Harris made a wise decision to skip the Al Smith dinner. You don’t run a campaign for president on the premise that your opponent is a deranged madman who tried to stage a coup, overturn a lawful election, sexually assaults women, and wants to use the military to hunt down his enemies, then laugh it up with him at a roast. Didn’t stop Chuck Schumer though, who appeared to have a friendly conversation with Trump.
… Sleepy Don fell asleep again at his event in Michigan today after angry denials from his campaign to a report he was canceling interviews due to exhaustion.
… Then his rally in Detroit was a complete flop with a mostly empty venue.
… Trump revealed on Fox & Friends this morning that some Fox employees help write his jokes for the dinner last night. I actually predicted last night that Greg Gutfeld would write some of his material, but I didn’t expect Trump to admit that. Very objective and serious news network.
… Dimestore Goebbels Stephen Miller said Trump’s performance at the dinner was “the single best comedy performance of any president in history.” This is after he said Trump’s speech to the Economic Club of Chicago was the greatest economic speech in history. And he said Trump’s debate performance against Harris was the greatest in history. And he said Vance’s debate performance was the greatest VP debate in history. You get the point. Dude wants a job.
… Kamala Harris will be holding a major rally with Usher in Atlanta this Saturday.
… We saw something new yesterday and today at Trump’s appearances. Secret Service is now putting a huge tent between his car and whatever building he is entering/leaving to prevent anyone from being able to see him coming or going. Trump’s signature ‘waves to nobody’ are apparently over with now.
… A federal judged trashed Ron Desantis’s fascistic attempt to threatened TV stations with criminal prosecution if they aired an ad in favor of the abortion rights Amendment. The judge wrote in his scathing order that the reason this isn’t allowed is “the First Amendment, stupid.”
… Trump hasn’t played golf at all since the last incident.
… Trump repeated the lie in an interview on a podcast with a largely Black male audience that he supposedly provided free flights to Nelson Mandela during his first tour of the US. When his airline was in bankruptcy in 1990 the creditors were leasing planes at a discount to anyone who would pay. One of those people was Mandela. Trump did nothing for Mandela.
… Bret Baier interrupted Kamala Harris 38 times in 27 minutes.
… Cook Political has changed the rating for Scott Perry’s race in PA from Lean R to Toss Up. The last Freedom Caucus Chair Bob Good lost his primary because Trump endorsed his opponent after Good endorsed Desantis in the presidential primary. Now they could lose his successor to Democrat Janelle Stelson. This would be a great pickup for Dems as few people are despised more than insurrection ringleader Perry.
… Virtually nobody showed up for Ted Cruz’s rally in Midland, TX after his debate performance against Colin Allred. Ted is still the favorite, but this one is going to be very close.
… Trump was asked today who his favorite president was growing up. He said Lincoln, although he then criticized Lincoln for not “settling” with the south to avoid the war. Just like he blames Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Hamas’s attack on Israel on Kamala Harris, the Civil War was apparently Lincoln’s fault and Trump would’ve had it resolved in 24 hours.
… Trump also reiterated that he will be working a frier at a McDonalds this weekend in his never-ending quest to