Written by Ben Meiselas
It’s Sunday. Let’s have coffee together. I’m walking to the coffee shop now. Grab your coffee. I might throw in an espresso shot. Let’s talk about what we did this week and what we need to do to surgically dismantle Trump and his authoritarian regime. We got this.
First, I want to say how proud I am of you. You stepped up this week. You didn’t back down. You are here reading this. You are in the fight. Trump’s “shock and awe” plan was meant to break your spirit and knock you out. He failed. The MeidasTouch Network just hit around 20 million views every 48 hours. We are leading every network other than Fox and are on a trajectory to beat them. Thanks to you, the MeidasTouch Network has replaced corporate media with the kind of fearless reporting on truth and facts that is needed now.
Before I get to my second point, I just got my coffee. I added an espresso shot like I used to 22 years ago in college. I’m not going to make this espresso shot/coffee a habit, but I’ll make an exception today.
Back to the news.
Second, this week, I feel confident that our network infrastructure handled the stress test of being bombarded with Trump’s unlawful executive orders, his chaos, and his doom loop. We broke major stories, gave incisive legal and political analysis of Trump’s conduct with both domestic and international perspectives, and remained focused on his broken promises and fraud. Prices aren’t lower. Housing is not more affordable. Trump has not negotiated peace in Ukraine. His executive orders didn’t address his major campaign promises and, if anything, made things worse. Thank you to all our paid subscribers to this Substack who helped us build this infrastructure that you saw in action.
Before I get to my third point, I’m checking in on your coffee. How is it? Mine is good. It’s strong. I got it in a to-go cup so I can walk back home and start recording more videos.
Ok, on to my third point. I feel Trump has looked weak and pathetic since the inauguration. Yes, he has issued dangerous executive orders and made reckless threats against the sovereignty of other nations. But people were ready and prepared for Trump’s erratic, blowhard behavior. His schtick is played out. The international community is unimpressed, to say the least, and has prepared new alliances and organizational structures to contain, isolate, shame, and punish him. Democratic governors were prepared with pre-written lawsuits to respond to Trump’s unlawful executive orders, like his attempt to revoke birthright citizenship. Trump suffered a humiliating defeat in federal court from a Reagan-appointed judge in Washington State on the birthright citizenship case. As much as the broken American legacy media tried to normalize Trump’s behavior, people weren’t buying it.
Ok, my coffee was actually great. To be honest, I shouldn’t have had the espresso shot—it was too much caffeine. But it was good coffee.
Back to the news.
With all of this going on, the MeidasTouch Network was at the center of it all. With independent media replacing the broken corporate media that kissed the ring, thanks to you and the subscribers of this Substack, the MeidasTouch Network is the most-watched independent media network in the world. Yesterday, we were averaging 17 million views every 48 hours, and today we’re averaging around 20 million views over the same period. That will net about 300 million views every 30 days and put us at 6 billion total views soon.
The MeidasTouch Network doesn’t just lead all independent networks—we lead all major corporate media networks other than Fox. We’d like to have more views than Fox again soon. You can help us grow by becoming a paid subscriber to this Substack.
The strength and resilience of the MeidasTouch Network is only made possible by you, the Meidas Mighty. Trump’s blitzkrieg “shock and awe” plan relied on corporate media spreading his lies. We crushed Trump’s plans by having an independent media source that got more views than corporate media to expose his failures. Trump didn’t count on this happening. We defeated his blitzkrieg with the counterattack of our oligarch-free and investor-free network that is 100 percent people-powered.
Trump attacked us and our hosts in court before the inauguration. I expect he will attack us again soon. We are ready. Of course, the more we grow, the harder it becomes for him to silence us as we expand our pro-democracy reach everywhere. So please, if you aren’t subscribed to this Substack, now is the time to subscribe if you can.
Without you, the Meidas Mighty, and the independent media ecosystem you built, I don’t know what would have happened this past week. I suspect it wouldn’t have been good, and I wouldn’t be drinking this cup of coffee with you this Sunday. You should hold your head up high today—after finishing your coffee, of course—because you’ve already made a decisive and major difference.
We must not get complacent. Ever. That said, I want you to know how proud I am to be in this fight with you and how proud I am to continue this fight with you. Out of darkness, you accomplished something exceptional this week. Let’s keep fighting together.
I hope you enjoyed your coffee with me. I enjoyed hanging out with you. For those who can subscribe to this Substack, we’d love for you to do so now and help our independent media platform continue to grow.
So grateful to you and all of independent media who didn’t “Scarborough” by obeying in advance.
Trump needs to have his executive functions checked. A hint, those are located in the frontal lobes of his cerebral cortex..
Must be a real Swiss Cheese in there 🤦