That’s exactly what she should do. Win and donate a portion of all of her settlement to an organization he loathes. What’s she waiting on? I hope she is the know.
Hi Mim! I’m a NYer now in GA also! So I’m sure you know what I know about Conold and his crimes and serial cheating on business dealings and wives! Also how he nearly destroyed Atlantic City by bankrupting 3 casinos and cheating so many contractors and subcontractors out of money he owes them for working for him! You must also know about him and his best friend Epstein! Also about his father Fred and his questionable business practices! I could go on and on but I’m sure you know the dirty stories of his family! Makes me want to take a long bath to clean off the scum and residue from knowing about those subhumans!!
I live in South Jersey and also have an awareness of his criminal activities in Atlantic City, and his dirty business practices in NY. The full page ad calling for the execution of the “Central Park 5”, now known as the Exonerated 5 was the beginning of my knowledge of his racism and lack of caring. He is about as unsavory a person as I have ever known about. The fact that he was re-elected blows my mind about what short memories voters have.
I definitely remember the Central Park 5( now the Exonerated 5)! It was truly a horrible tragedy and he didn’t need to persecute those young boys without a trial or even any real evidence that they actually committed any crime!! Justice for those innocent teens was definitely delayed by his interference!! I’m glad they are currently suing him for his constant lies about the situation!
His going after the Central Park Five (now the Exonerated Five) with full-page ads calling for the reinstatement of the death penalty was what got me to detest him, and that feeling has never left me. He even wouldn’t accept their exoneration.
This “your wife wants me” photo is the kind of humiliation Putin does to his enemies. When I first saw the perfumes in a Bluesky post, I thought it was a joke. A president this desperate for money, is definitely compromised.
Just an aside, but when I saw the words “fragrances” and “trump” lumped together, the first thing that came to mind were the comments coming from the courtroom during his NYC trial.😵‼️ But count my vote, please, for a lawsuit and meaningful donations thereof. He needs to be stopped before he gets started. He’s such a lowlife. Nothing but a con artist. And not a very good one, either. Good catch and an enlightening lesson, Prof. Ben!!
The Orange Diape Claude Narcissit in Thief will bankrupt the USA....unless the entire population revolts.....Inauguration Day..Peoples March Washington DC should be the biggest protest in American history. That is the start.........national strikes......boycotts of national newspapers.......time for Democrates to kick butt!!!
I constantly remind myself that subhuman scum has no bottom! Then I move on with my day because it sickens me to think too long about anything to do with that disgusting thing!!
I hope, after President and Mrs. Biden are back to being “private” citizens she takes this advice and sues him for as much as her lawyer thinks is possible.
The mere suggestion in the ad that she can't "resist" that disgusting fat orange clown is reason enough to sue. Then add to that, he called her hos "enemy" as if being on two different sides in politics makes that so. Sadly trump has made it that way.
Just when we thought he couldn't get any lower, he just proves that he is the lowest of the low. He is an embarrassment to our country. It just never ends...
Dr. Biden should sue and whatever settlement she gets, donated that money to someone or something that the new administration clearly plans on destroying! For one, her good name.
It was not enough for trump that the president of France humiliated the wife of the sitting president of the United States to please him. He had to put a target on Dr. Biden's face by labeling her the "enemy" in the caption of the likeness he stole from her. Trump is an abuser of women to his very core.
Good thoughts, although I don't think she will do it. She has decorum, which in this case, does not serve her. She should be vile for once, as he has been all his life!
Dr. Biden could donate the settlement to LGBTQ and women’s causes, which would infuriate the maga cult.
THIS!!! What an awesome Idea! What a headline that would make.
…yeah !!! …to use vulnerable people as a bate for hatred - what a marvelous idea that is !!!
Yes. If she donates anything it should be done anonymously.
That’s exactly what she should do. Win and donate a portion of all of her settlement to an organization he loathes. What’s she waiting on? I hope she is the know.
Wow! How to choose among the myriad organizations he hates? And after he kills the tax-free status of NFP's, what have we gained?
Excellent idea, Angie.
Hi Mim! I’m a NYer now in GA also! So I’m sure you know what I know about Conold and his crimes and serial cheating on business dealings and wives! Also how he nearly destroyed Atlantic City by bankrupting 3 casinos and cheating so many contractors and subcontractors out of money he owes them for working for him! You must also know about him and his best friend Epstein! Also about his father Fred and his questionable business practices! I could go on and on but I’m sure you know the dirty stories of his family! Makes me want to take a long bath to clean off the scum and residue from knowing about those subhumans!!
I live in South Jersey and also have an awareness of his criminal activities in Atlantic City, and his dirty business practices in NY. The full page ad calling for the execution of the “Central Park 5”, now known as the Exonerated 5 was the beginning of my knowledge of his racism and lack of caring. He is about as unsavory a person as I have ever known about. The fact that he was re-elected blows my mind about what short memories voters have.
I definitely remember the Central Park 5( now the Exonerated 5)! It was truly a horrible tragedy and he didn’t need to persecute those young boys without a trial or even any real evidence that they actually committed any crime!! Justice for those innocent teens was definitely delayed by his interference!! I’m glad they are currently suing him for his constant lies about the situation!
His going after the Central Park Five (now the Exonerated Five) with full-page ads calling for the reinstatement of the death penalty was what got me to detest him, and that feeling has never left me. He even wouldn’t accept their exoneration.
And the poorly educated morally bankrupt MAGAts admire all of the things you just listed about him.
Contact her!!!
That is such a great idea!!! Dr. Biden should go for it.
Toilet paper with the lesbo shots of Melania on it should hit the market on Inauguration Day.........will be a huge seller for the next 4 years.
I love the way you think !!! Fantastic idea
…what a fucking HORRIBLE IGNORANT comment ! …to use LGBTQ people as a bate for hatred !!! …only horrible and stupid bigot could come up with that !!!
Jesus loves you. Guess that is a check on your bucket list.
This “your wife wants me” photo is the kind of humiliation Putin does to his enemies. When I first saw the perfumes in a Bluesky post, I thought it was a joke. A president this desperate for money, is definitely compromised.
'No thanks, meat. But that will cost you $100M. You're welcome!'
This and the obvious snobbery and he thinks that adversaries haven’t worked him out yet? Operative words being “worked him.”
Just an aside, but when I saw the words “fragrances” and “trump” lumped together, the first thing that came to mind were the comments coming from the courtroom during his NYC trial.😵‼️ But count my vote, please, for a lawsuit and meaningful donations thereof. He needs to be stopped before he gets started. He’s such a lowlife. Nothing but a con artist. And not a very good one, either. Good catch and an enlightening lesson, Prof. Ben!!
Oh, and plus his wife is selling Christmas ornaments for I think $25. I wonder how gaudy she’ll decorate the White House for Christmas this year.
Nah, she hates f***ing Christmas.
That handmaid Xmas melly did SUCKED!!! She hasn’t got an iota of taste or style. Maybe tfg will deport his immigrant wifey.
Actually it’s $75 and $90 each as she said on Fox.
At a point I thought he could not get worse, and he proves me wrong!
There is no bottom to that SOB or his sycophants.
Never underestimate anything about him. We need to stay on our toes prepared for the worst.
The general rule as it applies to Trump...there is no low.
The Orange Diape Claude Narcissit in Thief will bankrupt the USA....unless the entire population revolts.....Inauguration Day..Peoples March Washington DC should be the biggest protest in American history. That is the start.........national strikes......boycotts of national newspapers.......time for Democrates to kick butt!!!
Every damn day he proves us wrong..
Are you kidding! We are just skimming the edges of his depravity
I constantly remind myself that subhuman scum has no bottom! Then I move on with my day because it sickens me to think too long about anything to do with that disgusting thing!!
I hope, after President and Mrs. Biden are back to being “private” citizens she takes this advice and sues him for as much as her lawyer thinks is possible.
Or maybe she should just hire Ben as her lawyer.
Excellent plan!
Sounds good to me !
No one is above the law! We must continue to sue Drumpf until he is bankrupt. When we fight, we win!
How does he continue to get away with this?
He has big cajones but small hands !!
How can the people stop this drifting?
He clearly has no respect for boundaries or people’s rights. Why would he? He is NEVER fully held accountable!
You are correct. He makes me ill.
He will be going to his resorts a lot.
The mere suggestion in the ad that she can't "resist" that disgusting fat orange clown is reason enough to sue. Then add to that, he called her hos "enemy" as if being on two different sides in politics makes that so. Sadly trump has made it that way.
Trump mistakes pettiness, corruption, greed and bad taste for courage and manliness - of which he has zero.
You know what they say...if he has to act this way...he has nothing below the belt.
And considering how stupid and dangerous his followers are, the word enemy could put her in danger.
Very true.
Oh please Dr. Jill, do it for the world…. and tell us all about it!
Just when we thought he couldn't get any lower, he just proves that he is the lowest of the low. He is an embarrassment to our country. It just never ends...
His thievery and thuggery are boundless, and any opportunity to hit him in his pocketbook should be seized upon decisively and immediately.
I would love to see him pay for at least one of the many laws he’s broken. Disgraceful. Such an embarrassment to the nation.
Sue sue sue. It’s probably bottled toilet water from his golden toilet with a splash of old spice.
And urine from the russian pee scandal 😂
That plus a bit of BUTT added.
Throw in a few rolls of "Melania Lesbo' rare photo print toilet paper to spruce up your bowel movment experience.
I thought it looked like her trying not to breath thru her nose… some stinky purfume there Donald or is it the nasty odor he’s known for?
Dr. Biden should sue and whatever settlement she gets, donated that money to someone or something that the new administration clearly plans on destroying! For one, her good name.
Or set up the legal defense fund with anything not used going to another cause they would hate!!
It was not enough for trump that the president of France humiliated the wife of the sitting president of the United States to please him. He had to put a target on Dr. Biden's face by labeling her the "enemy" in the caption of the likeness he stole from her. Trump is an abuser of women to his very core.
Good thoughts, although I don't think she will do it. She has decorum, which in this case, does not serve her. She should be vile for once, as he has been all his life!
It would not be vile for Dr. Jill to sue 45. She would be protecting her NIL just like anyone else.
There's no bottom for this shell of a human!
A new low every day. It must be exhausting to think these things up.
Honestly, I think these lows come naturally to the orange man.
But the 🤡 doesn’t pay up. 😩
Well, guliani is... might not be until he's out of office but at least I think she should sue the f out of him.