NONE of the orange baby man's clown show would be happening if he was disqualified day one after forensic psychiatrist Dr Bandy X Lee's report of the five dangerous mental pathologies of Donald Trump.

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On November 5, Americans chose:

Lies over truth,

Ignorance over knowledge,

Chaos over order,

Malice over good will,

Division over unity,

Cowardice over courage,

Sleaze over character,

The criminal over the law,

And billionaires over ordinary people.

Proud to be a liberal woman, more than ever! Proud to wear this totally unhinged radical liberal t-shirt in front of Republicans 👇


Trump spitting in our faces 248 year old Constitutional republic, representative democracy!

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The DNC Presidental Campaign

- Silence for 3 years, 9 months

- Campaign 3 months in swing states

The RNC Presidential Campaign

- 4 years constant FOX campaign for GOP's

From Hopium Chronicles on SubStack.

We need a more robust 24/7/365 pro-democracy media we discussed yesterday, but we also need a more aggressive Democratic Party-led strategy to engage Democratic voters in all 50 states to drive turnout in every election, in every state. The Democratic Party and our Presidential campaigns have to be more than just 7 battleground states.

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Where are the Democrates at this pivitol time in history!!! After Jan 20, it is going to get hard to fight back!!! Voices are needed now to kick some ass!!!

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i was hoping for some bold moves. I mean what gives....how is being the "bigger person" an option here?????

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Kick ass with steel-toed shoes! Better yet, how about the kick go right for the crotch? Sounds good to me. :-)

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I will dig out my old Tap Shoes!

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Evil is forever pushing its agenda of chaos and destruction. Look what the Bush admin did in its 8 years of destroying the economy and starting a war it would never win. So the Dems come along and try to reestablish sanity with total resistance by the Republicans. Obama did as good a job as he could. Then comes Trump and his destruction crew and rams hate and chaos into the mainstream political mind as the entire economy begins to fail, again. Biden comes along to rebuild the Republican implosion of all things. He rebuilds properly and what happens? The dumbass American voters put the Trump idiots back into office to finish off freedom and democracy in America and around the world. I'm not sure the freedom lovers of the world can take much more of the ignorance and stupidity that puts Trump-style brainless humanity haters into power much longer. For you conservative Christians out there, you voted that Barabbas, aka anti-Christ Trump, was to be set free and Jesus, aka freedom and democracy, is to be crucified. I hope your conscience is resting easy over your decision.

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👏🔝🧐 ^ NAILED IT!

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How to Stop Authoritarians Before They Start

🔸️FITNESS FOR DUTY EVALUATIONS that are mandatory, like the military for high responsibility positions, would have stopped Trump before he got within a mile of the White House.

Bandy X Lee, Steven Hassan, and 100 other psychiatrists agree Trump has five dangerous mental pathologies as listed in the books "The More Dangerous Case of Donald Trump" and "The Psychology Of Trump Contagion - An Existential Threat to American Democracy and All Humankind".

"Containing Trump Contagion and Healing from Mental Pathology in Politics"


🔸️Fitness for Duty Evaluations start with everyone who interacts with the individual in question, and when red flags start to appear, 'say something.'

The US Military has procedures to follow that require individuals in question to have a Fitness for Duty Evaluation. Voters must demand the House and Senate do the same.

"Stephen Xenakis- Fitness for Duty Exams: Preventing Autocratic Abuse"


🔸️Outside the military are professionals like Dr. Bandy X. Lee who has several dozen colleagues all of whom are highly qualified to do Fitness for Duty Evaluations.

The U.S. House and Senate have several mechanisms to enforce their rules, including:

* Leadership

* Committees

* Floor Procedures

* Party Discipline

It's important to note that these mechanisms are not always used consistently or effectively. The more voters demand mentally fit leaders the more the House and Senate will comply.

🔸️I like what forensic psychologist Dr. Bandy X. Lee says that fascism and authoritarianism are just dangerous mental pathologies that worm their way into politics.

Everyone on Earth deserves and demands leadership that is mentally fit.

Fitness for Duty Evaluations performed by well respected psychiatrists ensures every country has leaders who do not serve their own power, but serve their own people.

With a pool of mentally fit candidates, we then have all the elections we wish.

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This should be out for everyone to see not just us who agree with Midas

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Right on!!! :-)

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Thanks for the link to the shirt- I'm getting the red one!

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You’re welcome! 😉

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Or when he was impeached for inciting an insurrection on January 6th. The senate had the chance to bar him from ever holding public office again. But they whiffed.

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Blame Mitch

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I do. Completely. But I also blame all the other weak sisters in the GOP who wouldn't stand up to an insurrectionist.

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Mc Connell > the most EVIL WEASEL!

He sells out We the People, every time, he’s only in it for the 💰 money, he married his wife - for her money! Her father wanted to obtain shipping rights to U.S. Docks, were denied, so he made a deal with Mc Connell, he married his daughter, instant Rights to the Docks! WHY? Do the BROKE masses of republicans voters, keep voting for the Reds to Rip US all off?!? > Fox LIES🛑🤨🧐

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Boy, isn't that the truth!

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Right! Dems need to grow bigger balls, in their brains!

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There is a middle- in this argument!

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Election was a fraud; we did not re elect a criminal! By accepting this result you are playing into their hands. We need a revolution!

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I believe people are just exhausted from this never-ending spectacle 😩

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That is the exhaustion which Trump’s Republican Party cultivated throughout these years so when it came to fighting against the compromised 2024 federal election, the defiant culture of deep analysis was ‘bed ridden’.

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Answer •• He who OWNS the Media, controls the World 🌎

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We lost not to the Republicans as much as to Russian psy ops. They learned it from us. We used it successfully many times since WW II. We failed to fully prosecute the 2016 election interference, and although we had advance notice did little to stop it.

Tempus fugit, but Biden can step up and be a hero. Given the threats by an inchoate unitary executive, who beleieves that his elction is redemption for being victimized and threatens recrimination, he should grant tens of thosuands of pardons to folks like us.

Are crimes of election interference acts of war? We should be discussing war powers. What about Biden as unitary executive for a month

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Right! Republicans play that game, they call it - “The 2 Santa Clause theory,” when they have the White House, they run UP the deficit, and when Dems win, Reds blame it on Dems for 4 yrs

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Biden has immunity power now that the Supreme Court says it

is so for a president. so why doesn't he get rid of his foe

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there is definitely something wrong. there needs to be an investigation! Kamala was to ahead in the several states and then all of a sudden he moved ahead, Ilon Musk was in bed with Russia. it all stinks to me! It was rigged just the way he claimed he lost in 2020. he used the same tactics he accused the Democrats of back then. he has been working with Ilon and Putin all these months. I think the reason he didn't care what he said at his rallies was he just kicked back and let Ilon and Puten take over. I hope he is aware of the fact that his people will have him declared incompetent and put JD Vance in his place.

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Right, and the last weeks before the election, Trump was bragging >” You don’t have to vote for me, I DON’T Need your votes!” 🗳️ ‘Gee? Why would he say That?!!! DUH! Dude!

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I'm game!

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EXACTLY! AMERICA! < IF > WE Can Keep it..!?!

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We also shouldn't forget that Trump's tariffs on Chinese imports in 2019 resulted in retaliatory tariffs by China that shut down the Chinese market for American ag products. Trump ended up signing off on $28B in farm subsidies so he didn't lose the rural vote in 2020. That 28B is more than this country spends on the State Department or nuclear deterrence.

Seems like a bunch of people forgot to google 'tariff' before casting their votes this time around.

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The Midwest farmer fools and their cohorts essentially voted Trump into office. Now they will be bailed out by an additional taxpaid farm subsidy of roughly $35 billion. And that is just the beginning of higher costs for this Republican political scam. And the American voter voted it in? What's wrong with this picture? Are the American voters that stupid? It appears they are!

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Less than half of the voting electorate damned us all to this wretchedness. Most Americans were smarter than to vote for that foolishness again. We ended up in this mess because of the outdated electoral college.

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It is very important to Counter the Sick, Corrupt MAGA MORON LIES! I am a Vietnam Veteran and Spreading the Truth along with the help of Patriotic Honorable General Mark Milley and Generals and officers who support Their Oath to the Constitution are spreading the Truth to 8 MILLION VETERANS counter the LIES of the MAGA Traitors Especially the MAGA Traitor Mike Flynn. I Tell my Friends and Family to subscribe to MTN.

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Keep up the resistance, Larry!! We the People need it!!

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How to Stop Authoritarians Before They Start

🔸️FITNESS FOR DUTY EVALUATIONS that are mandatory, like the military for high responsibility positions, would have stopped Trump before he got within a mile of the White House.

Bandy X Lee, Steven Hassan, and 100 other psychiatrists agree Trump has five dangerous mental pathologies as listed in the books "The More Dangerous Case of Donald Trump" and "The Psychology Of Trump Contagion - An Existential Threat to American Democracy and All Humankind".

"Containing Trump Contagion and Healing from Mental Pathology in Politics"


🔸️Fitness for Duty Evaluations start with everyone who interacts with the individual in question, and when red flags start to appear, 'say something.'

The US Military has procedures to follow that require individuals in question to have a Fitness for Duty Evaluation. Voters must demand the House and Senate do the same.

"Stephen Xenakis- Fitness for Duty Exams: Preventing Autocratic Abuse"


🔸️Outside the military are professionals like Dr. Bandy X. Lee who has several dozen colleagues all of whom are highly qualified to do Fitness for Duty Evaluations.

The U.S. House and Senate have several mechanisms to enforce their rules, including:

* Leadership

* Committees

* Floor Procedures

* Party Discipline

It's important to note that these mechanisms are not always used consistently or effectively. The more voters demand mentally fit leaders the more the House and Senate will comply.

🔸️I like what forensic psychologist Dr. Bandy X. Lee says that fascism and authoritarianism are just dangerous mental pathologies that worm their way into politics.

Everyone on Earth deserves and demands leadership that is mentally fit.

Fitness for Duty Evaluations performed by well respected psychiatrists ensures every country has leaders who do not serve their own power, but serve their own people.

With a pool of mentally fit candidates, we then have all the elections we wish.

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Trump has so many mental health issues. The worsening inherited Alzheimers is more than concerning.

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Project 2025 will be running the show in a few months after Orange defiles the Bible once again.

Why are democrates not fighting back while there is still time!!

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What do you suggest?

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1/ Each and every day a Democrat should be attacking everyTrump move in the media. The days of playing nice are over. Maga does not play by the rules.

Put OAC, Jasmine Crockett..add your own....up front and centre.

2/Protests against 2025 should be starting now. In front of the Heritage...Federalist HQ. It may be tougher once Trump and his gang of extremist bullies take over.

3/ They will probably try to screw social media so a word of mouth...phone bank system of communication could be prepared now......people need to learn from the WW2 resistance movements and prepare to copy them.

4/ The big Womens March coming up should be a massive coalition of every group adversly affected by 2025. Instead of worrying and blaming........work and organizing should be exhausting people

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Too ethical to fight in public it seems.

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Apparently he is in company with 49% of the voting public.

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Gotta admit. I did not know how many people appear to eat a plethora of eggs.

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Ben, why can’t “We the People” file a class action suit against Trump and the Congress and Senators who were the conspirators of the Jan 6 insurrection against our votes to choose our own president? It seems to me that it is time for the people to stand up and say HELL NO to this insanity of a Putin takeover of our country via the next Trump administration of Putin pawns. Why are we so helpless? I am so disturbed while watching this unfold in front of us and feeling so helpless.

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Because there is a complicit SCOTUS that will block anything that Dear Leader doesn’t like.

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There must be some way to protest in such large numbers to stop this not so slow rolling train to fascism! I will not comply!!!

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What happens if Trump doesn't sign the Ethics documents, and refuses FBI vetting of his Administration nominees?

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Why doesn't that surprise me. How can we scrape this piece of sh#t off our shoe?

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I would like more coverage of efforts fighting these steps toward full fascism. I want to help fight this, not wallow in all the misery.

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Consider indivisible.org. It’s a nationwide resistance organization fighting for our democracy!!

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Why are we letting these criminals toss OUR GOVERNMENT around like it is a money making enterprise. WE ARE A COUNTRY not a pot of gold! They are supposed to run our country for THE PEOPLE IN IT NOT THE CRIMINALS TREATING US LIKE PRIZES IN A LOTTERY!! This whole clown show needs to be stopped!!

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Thank you for drawing attention to the risks of dismantling federal government oversight, process and audit trails. The reason we know what batch of raw milk has bird flu or delivery of beef has salmonella and can isolate and stop spread is because of federal bureaucracy oversight. Could that be modernized or accelerated? Sure. But destroying it is not the answer and reporting the truth of those consequences will be so important going forward smh. God help us.

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For all those worried about tariffs and deportations and all the rest, there will be plenty of exceptions made to exempt certain people and industries . . . course just like the first time around it will cost you some money, so buy a MAGA guitar, dance in your gold sneakers, and check out the time on your $100,000 made in China watch, read a few chapters in your made in China Bible and get in line to grovel before the orange grifter. Add a little mindless flattery mixed with your cash and you should be good to go.

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Trump doesn’t believe he has flaws, he is what he shows us, day in and day out.

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Im curious guys, why you chose substack, have you heard of an org called platforms media? Seems it launched here on substack, but left after there was a significant amount of right wing violent nazi posts and platforms using violent threatening posts and were open NAZI, when he complained, they were told, substack was NOT going to remove them! In fact substack went as far as saying its "good" they are here. So, he moved to another platform! Did you do your homework?

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They are made in China what about the tariff Rump?

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Looking forward to watching Elon and Donnie duke it out in the Oval Office.

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