Written by Ben Meiselas
It’s Sunday. Let’s have coffee together. We have no time to waste. It’s gloves off now.
Let’s talk about crushing this disgusting felon and sexual predator. Let’s talk about humiliating this filth and failure of a human being. This plague named Trump.
Have you filled up your coffee yet?
Let’s go!
I’m drinking this coffee from the desk where I record my news reports. I’m not walking to the coffee shop today—I made it myself.
We at the MeidasTouch Network are working around the clock to be ready for Day 1.
We will unleash shock-and-awe coverage against Trump. We have reporters across America. We have our connections internationally. We have built an infrastructure to expose Donald, the fraud and grifter. There is no playing nice. There will be no holding back.
After the election, Trump tried to threaten us—in court filings, through his representatives, with Fox, and with other attacks. That failed.
Trump got corporate media to kiss the ring and needed us gone since we get more views than them. That failed.
We are still standing—stronger than ever.
Hey MeidasMighty, look at what you accomplished already.
With your help—and with our new paid subscribers on this Substack—we built our team bigger and stronger and consistently beat Fox in digital ratings.
Let me repeat that:
We 👏 beat 👏 Fox!!
That meant we exposed Donald Trump’s broken promises to voters after the election when he tried to distract.
We warned people that Trump was a WMD—a Weapon of Mass Distraction—and we told them to focus on his broken promises.
There is no peace in Ukraine.
No lower prices.
Egg prices are higher.
Housing is not affordable.
New jobs didn’t magically appear.
You get the point.
Corporate media tried to distract people with Trump’s scams.
But with the massive digital platform you helped build, we pushed back against that crap and got Americans—and the world—to focus on what matters.
By the way, my coffee is pretty damn good.
The caffeine is kicking in.
How’s yours?
With the help of our new paid subscribers here on Substack, we expanded our coverage internationally.
Since the election, the MeidasTouch Network has become one of the most-watched networks in countries like Canada.
International leaders frequently tell me they are most recognized in their own home countries from their MeidasTouch appearances.
The MeidasMighty has helped build an international resistance to Trump and MAGA. This is no small accomplishment by you.
With your hard work, Trump’s approval ratings are at record lows for an inauguration.
Trump had to cancel his outdoor inauguration speech and blamed the “cold weather” instead of admitting the truth—his tiny crowd and shrinkage. I am positive this would not have happened if it weren’t for the MeidasMighty.
With your hard work, the MeidasTouch Network landed one of the only interviews with President Biden before he departed the White House.
I am confident my interview with President Biden in the Roosevelt Room of the White House will stand the test of time. It will be looked back on as something Americans will yearn to return to—normalcy, compassion, decency.
So look, I know you may have a pit in your stomach right now thinking about tomorrow. I get it. But I want you to know all the things you have accomplished already since the election—because you didn’t give up.
I want you to know we are always here for you, and we have your back.
I want you to know you are appreciated, and you are making a difference.
I want you to know I need you in this fight with me.
I’m not trying to sugarcoat things—the next four years won’t be easy.
We are going to go through some trying times together.
I get it.
But I want you to know where I stand—and where this network stands.
We stand on the front lines with you, ready to fight.
We will never obey.
We will never kiss the ring.
The paid subscribers of this Substack help us operate (thank you, by the way) so that we never take outside investors and never report to anyone but you.
We are 100% people-powered. We are 100% independent. We will never back down from a fight with Donald.
We are not afraid of Trump’s threats. This is a moment we must meet—and it is a moment we will meet. We were built for this moment.
I hope your coffee is enjoyable, by the way.
As I sit here, drinking my coffee, I hear my four-month-old baby girl Ximena laughing in her room with my wife, Xochitl.
My wife is from Guadalajara. My baby is half Mexican. Trump’s threats cut in a deeply personal way for me and my family.
But it’s not just my home. I think of the millions of families in America who Trump wants to screw over. I won’t let him do that. That is my life mission. That is why I left my career as a litigator to start this network. This is my calling. This is our calling. I won’t let you down. The MeidasMighty is in this together.
United, we stand.
I know it may seem far away, but I think about where I will be four years from now. It actually fills me with hope.
I visualize defeating Trump and MAGA.
I visualize helping to unite this country and pro-democracy communities across the world.
I visualize handing over to my daughter and future generations a better world—and telling the story of how this community, the MeidasMighty, persevered and won—and did it together.
We got this, MeidasMighty!
Before the inauguration tomorrow, we have set our subscriber goal at 400 new subscribers.
This is the highest goal we have ever set.
It’s an audacious goal.
But let’s do it.
If you aren’t a paid subscriber to this Substack, now is the time to subscribe if you can.
You can also gift subscriptions to people in your life if you’re already a subscriber.
Let’s grow this network bigger than The Washington Post was.
Let’s keep growing.
Subscribe now if you can.
Thanks, MeidasMighty.
I hope you enjoyed your coffee.
I’m off to hold my baby girl.
The March yesterday showing the disdain for Trump was great.
Good morning Ben! Thank you for your diligence and hard work. I love it that people from other countries are part of the meidas community. Rump is going to fail and Elab Mask will run his business’ into the ground. I predict failure for them both. I’m dropping FB and boycotting Amazon. Screw them all they are nothing without the little guy. So I’ll take my purchases elsewhere. 💯💕