By Ben Meiselas
I’ll keep this short. Supporters of Trump and Elon Musk keep attacking the MeidasTouch Network and urging Trump and Musk to sue us.
Trump has previously filed lawsuits against our hosts. He lost. Trump has also attacked our network in legal filings. We mocked him. He backed down. His supporters know we are his worst nightmare, so they are begging him and Musk to sue us.
Here’s an example of a message we received:
Trump voters are getting more desperate.
Let’s face it: the MeidasTouch Network and the MeidasMighty are their worst nightmare.
We built a media network that gets more viewers than Fox with very few resources and zero outside investors. We are crushing Fox in views and have helped expose all of Trump’s fraud and crimes every single day.
The MeidasTouch Network has not only helped rally Americans, but we’ve also helped rally Canadians and others across the world against Trump and MAGA.
Trump thought he had made all of the media submit to his fascist regime, but then—BOOM—from the ashes, the MeidasTouch Network emerged to expose him with a degree of ferocity he fears the most.
Given our profile and the impact we’ve had, we expect the attacks to intensify. We anticipate that Trump will soon attempt to use the DOJ, FBI, or other government entities to target us.
As you know, we’ve received numerous death threats over the past few months and survived a cyberattack. They’re throwing everything at us. We expected this. It’s what happens when you confront a fascist regime head-on, as we do here. Every. Single. Day.
But let me be clear: We are not scared. We are not backing down. Their threats and attacks only make us more focused and give us more energy in the fight against the authoritarian Trump regime.
We are still beating Fox News in ratings, averaging close to 30 million views every 48 hours. Even without our YouTube channel—which is our biggest platform and the number one political channel in America—our audio podcast was the second most downloaded political podcast in the country.
This means the MeidasMighty is having a major impact and controlling the narrative. Finally, we the people control the narrative.
We owe all of this to you.
Since we are 100% independent and have zero investors, this rapid growth is thanks to you. It’s thanks to you subscribing to this Substack, watching our YouTube channel each day, listening to our podcasts, following us on social media, and sharing our network with everyone you know.
You are the secret to the growth of the MeidasTouch Network—and that’s why Trump supporters are attacking us. They. Are. Scared.
Whenever we’re attacked or threatened, I use it as motivation to fight back harder and grow this network even bigger.
Let’s do it.
If you’re not subscribed to this Substack, we’d love your support—please subscribe now if you can.
We want to get 500 new subscribers today, which is an ambitious goal.
So please subscribe if you can, or consider getting a gift subscription for someone you know. I’d much rather grow this way than rely on investors. Thank you for your support—and for subscribing.
Let’s keep fighting, and let’s keep growing, MeidasMighty!
We are 2 friends in Norway, north and south that expose everything from Meidastouch NetWork almost every day, we try to explain in Norwegian! 🙏🏼
We need to, coz we want people to know, what they dont get in the news
Keep on 🙏🏼🫶🏼💐🇳🇴
They are afraid of FREE SPEECH